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Cross-List (Merge) Courses

Do Not manually enroll students in courses; this may result in your student(s) being unenrolled each time the automated system enrollment file runs resulting in a potential loss of student activity in your course.

Cross-Listing is the equivalent terminology for "merging." It allows you to move section enrollments from individual courses and combine them into one course. This feature is helpful for instructors who teach several sections of the same course (or different courses that need to be merged, i.e. HIST course merged with an AFAM course) and only want to manage course data in one location. Instructors can allow students to view users in other sections or limit them to only view users in the same section. Section names do not change when they are cross-listed; the section is just moved to another course.

To cross-list a course, you must know the name of the course or the course ID into which you are cross-listing. However, using a course ID (i.e. the course SIS ID, found on the course settings page, formatted as "CRN.YearTermCode") is a better way to confirm you are cross-listing a section into the correct course. You can find the course ID by opening the course and viewing the number at the end of the browser URL (i.e. account.instructure.com/courses/XXXXXX).

Instructors can perform this task on their own in Canvas and must simply choose one of their pre-existing sections to become the "parent" course.