Course Access Procedure
Procedure Purpose:
This procedure is in place to let faculty know how to go about getting themselves enrolled or enrolling another faculty or student in a course that they are not officially registered for or are teaching. This could pertain to TAs, affiliates, overrides, additional instructors, etc. Only by following this procedure will a LMS administrator add a user to a course in which they are not officially associated.
Please see the VCU Intellectual Property Rights in regards to content that resides in a course and ownership of that content.
If the primary instructor/owner of the course is still employed at the university, it is always preferred that they manually add the additional user (instructor, student, TA, etc.) or put in the request themselves. The owner of the course should be the primary point of contact; ultimately, it is their intellectual property and they should be the person to determine who should or should not have access to their content.
If the instructor is no longer available (i.e. deceased, left the university, in the hospital, left the country, or cannot be contacted for any reason), then the Dean of the School (i.e., the dean of the School of Nursing) or equivalent must put in the request for another instructor or user to be added to a Canvas or Lon-Capa course. The Dean, not the LMS Administrators, assumes the responsibility for enrolling a new user in a course.
To put in a request, email with the eID of the user(s) who need to be enrolled, what Course ID (i.e., MISC-101-001-FA2021) they need to be enrolled in, and what role they should be given (i.e., Teacher, Student, TA, etc.) in the course.
If possible, the instructor whose course this belongs to should be copied on this email as well so that they are aware of what is happening. If deemed necessary, a member of the Learning Systems staff will contact the Dean via phone and/or email to verify that he/she is taking responsibility for the addition of an instructor to the course. Once verified, the LMS administrator will then make the change.
Who Should Read this Procedure?
Faculty/Teacher users of the university supported LMS systems