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My Media Content

My media is a personal repository of your personal media content. It allows users to view their media, add and edit media, and assign media to a specific course.

This How to Use the Kaltura Video Editor video highlights the available actions listed below:

  • Capture frame from video for new thumbnail display (use the camera icon in the player).
  • Edit metadata- select Edit near the field you want to edit.
  • Clipping - allow other users to make clips of this video. Note: If allowed, others enrolled in courses having access to your video can create clips from the video too.
  • Delete media
  • Create clip, if enabled.
  • Add to gallery (assign to course gallery)
  • A list of courses associated with users is displayed allowing them to add the media to and remove from the course gallery (multiple choice).
  • Contribute media to the Faculty Repository (only available to faculty)