Turnitin for Faculty
Resources and Support for Faculty
Turnitin information and resources for faculty are listed below. Before getting started, view this helpful recording: Turnitin: VCU Faculty Training Video.
Duplicate a Turnitin Assignment
You can duplicate any assignment in your course. Once duplicated, the word "Copy" is added to the end of the new assignment name.
- Go to the course that contains the assignment you'd like to duplicate.
- Locate the assignment and select the menu with the "vertical dots" alongside the assignment [1].
- Click Duplicate [2].
- The duplicated assignment will appear directly under the original with the word "Copy" beside it.
- Go to the menu of the duplicated assignment and click Edit.
Here, you'll find that Canvas hasn't duplicated the "Plagiarism Review" option from your original assignment. Instead, it defaults to "None". Therefore, although the assignment does duplicate, the "Plagiarism Review" settings do not. You'll need to configure your Turnitin settings again.
- Select Turnitin from the "Plagiarism Review" drop-down menu.
- Customize the following Turnitin plagiarism settings:
Submission storage options
Choosing comparison repositories
Setting Similarity Report visibility - Amend the assignment's dates if needed.
- Select Save & publish to publish the assignment, or select Save to save the assignment without publishing.
If a student's similarity report is still generating, you will notice a 'pending clock' alongside that student's submission, as well as within SpeedGrader. This clock will disappear once the similarity report has fully generated.
If you're having trouble opening Turnitin Feedback Studio, check your pop-up blocker settings and create an exception. Alternatively, if a similarity percentage is not yet available, your report may not have generated.
- Accepted File Types and Sizes
- Accessing the Similarity Report
- Match Exclusions
- Bibliography and Quote Exclusion Definitions
- Generate a New Similarity Report
- Interpreting a Similarity Report
- Multicolor Highlighting
- Request to View a Paper
- Thumbnail Sidebar
- View Excluded Sources
- View Similarity Matches
- View Sources
The e-rater grammar feedback technology, developed by ETS®, automatically checks submissions to an assignment for grammar, usage, mechanics, style and spelling errors; providing in-depth feedback with on-paper marks. To use e-rater for an assignment it must be enabled during the assignment creation.
Note: There is a 64,000 character limit for ETS e-rater checking. Papers in excess of this limit are not eligible to receive grammar checking.
Account Settings FAQs
With the Canvas Plagiarism Framework enabled, will my assignment settings be remembered per teacher, just as they are now? Yes, the option to save as default settings allows teachers to save their assignment settings for future use.
Does the Canvas Plagiarism Framework include the repository option: "Do not store the submitted papers"? Yes, when creating an assignment, you can choose where you'd like submitted papers to be stored. The options presented in assignment settings depend on the administrator configuration. Learn more about these settings at TurnitinUK.com.
Which Turnitin settings can I change when creating a Canvas Plagiarism Framework assignment? When creating an assignment, you can customize a number of Turnitin settings to allow you to get the most out of each Similarity Report. More information about these setting is available at https://help.turnitin.com/feedback-studio/canvas/plagiarism-framework/teacher/assignment-setup/turnitin-settings.htm.
Copy Course FAQs
If I copy a course, will my Canvas Plagiarism Framework settings be preserved from the original course? Yes! As the course copy feature is used to repurpose content, your Canvas Plagiarism Framework assignment settings are preserved from the original course.
After copying a course containing a "Turnitin LTI" assignment, I was required to adjust the date of the duplicate assignment for it to reset to the current semester. Will the Canvas Plagiarism Framework function in the same way? No, this is not the case in the Canvas Plagiarism Framework. You do not have to access a duplicate Canvas Plagiarism Framework assignment for it to work correctly.
Is the Student View Feature Supported?
We do not support this feature and encourage you to use it with caution.
Handling Dates FAQs
How are dates handled in the Canvas Plagiarism Framework?
All submission dates are controlled by the dates you set in the Canvas assignment. If a Canvas user sends us a paper to process, we will process it. We run our collusion check on the due date in order to check for any collusion between students within the same assignment.
If a due date is not provided in the Canvas assignment settings, then the due date will default to one year in the future in Turnitin. This is to ensure that Turnitin assignments remain active, since Turnitin always requires a due date for an assignment.
Are "until dates" supported in the Canvas Plagiarism Framework?
Yes, all dates that can be applied in Canvas will function the same regardless of whether Turnitin is used or not.
Will the Canvas late submission policy work with the Canvas Plagiarism Framework?
Yes, the paper will still be processed by Turnitin and a similarity score will be returned in line with the Canvas late submission policy. If you plan to use the late submission policy feature across several courses, we recommend testing this feature first.
Can I grant individual due dates or set multiple due dates for an assignment?
Yes, you can. The Canvas Plagiarism Framework has no impact on submission dates; this is controlled on the Canvas side.
Handling Submissions FAQs
Does the new integration handle late submissions?
The Canvas Plagiarism Framework has no impact on submission dates; this is controlled on the Canvas side. If a student is able to submit in Canvas per the assignment settings, then Turnitin will process the paper and return a similarity score.
Does the Canvas Plagiarism Framework support discussion forums?
This is on the Canvas roadmap and we will support it when it is made available.
Does the Canvas Plagiarism Framework support essay questions in quizzes?
Essay questions in quizzes are not supported by Canvas yet; when or if support is added, Turnitin endeavors to support it, too.
Will moving to the Canvas Framework increase the number of times a student can submit?
The Canvas Plagiarism Framework has no impact on the number of times a student can submit; submissions and resubmission are controlled on the Canvas side.
How does Turnitin Handle Multiple Due Dates?
If you are creating an assignment with multiple due dates, make sure that you create an additional due date option with 'Everyone else' selected. This will be the due date that we use for collusion checking.
Similarity Score Display
What if the Similarity Report fails to generate in the Canvas Plagiarism Framework?
As Canvas may not immediately notify Turnitin that an assignment has been created, we advise waiting 90 seconds between creating the assignment and making the first submission. This will allow Canvas to notify us that the assignment has been created. If you continue to encounter an issue with the Similarity Report failing to generate, you can select Resubmit to Turnitin from SpeedGrader, which forces the Similarity Report to generate.
If multiple documents can be submitted to one assignment, how is this flagged in the Gradebook? For example, one of the submitted documents may contain extensive plagiarism.
The color and plagiarism indicator in the Gradebook refers to the results of the highest matched document in the submission, rather than an average of the submitted work.
Can I control when my students are able to view their Similarity Report in Canvas? Yes, you have the ability to control student Similarity Report access at assignment level. You can choose from the following options:
- Immediately: The Similarity Report will be made available to students as soon as they make their submission in Canvas.
- After the assignment is graded: The Similarity Report will be made available to students as soon as their assignment has been graded in Canvas.
- After the due date: The Similarity Report will be made available to students as soon as the assignment due date passes.
- Never: The Similarity Report will never be made available to students but will be available to instructors after submission.
Tip: An administrator can set up one of the above Similarity Report access options as a default for their institution. This is a Canvas setting and is not part of the Canvas Plagiarism Framework. Go to Admin > Settings > Students can see the originality report, then set your preferred default.
What do students see when accessing their Similarity Report in the Canvas Plagiarism Framework? Students will be able to view their Similarity Report in Turnitin Feedback Studio.
Do flags appear in the Canvas Gradebook features? Yes, flags will still appear in the Canvas Gradebook. After selecting a flag, this will open a side panel that you should use to locate the Turnitin Similarity Report.
Should I mark papers in Turnitin Feedback Studio when using the Canvas Plagiarism Framework? We do not recommend providing feedback to students in Feedback Studio when using the Plagiarism Framework, and advise that administrators disable this option via Turnitin.com or TurnitinUK.com. We are currently working closely with Canvas to ensure that grades and student feedback are sent successfully from Turnitin Feedback Studio to Canvas Gradebook. Keep an eye on our release notes for further updates.